Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Masseria in Apulia

Sometimes speaking with my guests, I understand that some people think that the word "Masseria" means an hotel, but this is not correct.
Masseria was a defence and agricolture center often build in the 15 - 17thy century. Our land, Apulia, was very dengerous 400 years ago for the Saraceni attacks from the sea. The Masseria was the heart of the agricolture production and of the life in the country side, was the country house of the Lord (the 1st floor) and the house of the employed and animals at the ground floor.
The Masserias were builded with an idea of autonomy and self production: wood, olive oil, wine, vegetables, meat but also the necessary to work were produced inside the Masseria. In front of the Masserias always were, near the sea, the towers (torri di avvistamento), the first defence against the attacks from the sea. During  an attack all the people in the countryside, run inside the defence wall, to protect themself and the Masseria.

Masseria Salamina - Masserian in Apulia

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